Smoking and Selling your Home
A recent experience listing a home occupied by a smoker underlined the difficulty in selling a home occupied by an active smoker. More than half of the feedback sent by showing agents included some variation of the line: “Buyers put off by smell of cigarette smoke”. The property had to be reduced fr
Doylestown Pump Track
Bike riders throughout the county are taking on a new challenge of hills and tight turns with the opening of the first pump track in Bucks County in Doylestown Borough. A pump track is a bicycle path that’s short and shaped in a closed loop. The track is made up of low hills and banked turns, earnin
You Are Not A Plumber! or sometimes DIY is Not the Best Plan
While you might be an excellent, all-around handyman, deciphering what system of your home is not working takes a well-seasoned eye and ear—not just someone who has “seen it all before”, but someone who sees it all the time. Standing Water Anytime you are finding standing water in your home, it’s ti