Does your Home Have Seasonal Affective Disorder?
The title sounds a little flippant but sufferers of seasonal effective disorder know the dread that comes with first drop in temperature. Once the holidays, with the hustle and bustle (and Christmas lights), is done those long moths of January, February and March stretch coldly ahead. There are some
Wash Your Windows
Every year you promise yourself that this will be the year I wash all the windows in the house. And yet you still have dirty windows. Dirty you say - but I can still see through them! Take a paper towel and sprinkle a little vinegar on it. Or the glass cleaner under the sink that you bought three ye
Mold vs. Mildew
Many people are confused about the difference between mold and mildew, or even if there is any difference at all. While these terms are often used interchangeably, there are a few subtle differences that can impact how mold or mildew is identified and treated. Both mold and mildew are types of fungu